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Mass Times

Mass times for seven days from Sunday, 12th December 2021

Although we make every effort to keep this information up to date, Mass times are subject to change.

Live Stream of Masses
We are now live streaming some Masses. You can easily view these below:

You can also see all Mass times listed below:

Westminster Cathedral Opening Times

The Cathedral opens at 7.30am each day. If you need to speak to a priest, please contact Clergy House Reception, chreception@rcdow.org.uk. When someone is gravely ill or has died and a priest is required, please call 07340 288978

Monday 28 February Feria

7.35am Morning Prayer

8am Mass

10.30am Mass (Latin)

11.30-12.30pm Confessions

12.30pm Mass (livestreamed)

4.30-5.30pm Confessions

5pm Sung Vespers (Choir)

5.30pm Solemn Mass (Choir)

6.15pm B.S. Chapel Guild of the Blessed Sacrament

7.00pm Hinsley Room Lectio Divina

Tuesday 1 March ST DAVID, Bishop, Patron of Wales

7.35am Morning Prayer

8am Mass

10.30am Mass (Latin)

11.30-12.30pm Confessions

12.30pm Mass (livestreamed)

2.30pm St George’s Chapel Our Lady of Walsingham Prayer Group

4.30-5.30pm Confessions

5pm Sung Chapter Vespers (English)

5.30pm Solemn Chapter Mass: Canon Anthony Dwyer

6.15pm Lady Chapel Guild of St Anthony

Wednesday 2 March ASH WEDNESDAY Fast and abstinence

Ashes will be imposed at all Masses

7.35am Morning Prayer

8am Mass

10.30am Mass (Latin)

11.30-12.30pm Confessions

12.30pm Mass (livestreamed)

4.30-5.30pm Confessions

5pm Sung Vespers (Choir)

5.30pm Solemn Pontifical Mass (Cardinal Nichols, Choir)

Thursday 3 March Lent Feria

7.35am Morning Prayer

8am Mass

10.30am Mass (Latin)

11.30-12.30pm Confessions

12.30pm Mass (livestreamed)

4.30-5.30pm Confessions

5pm Sung Vespers (Choir)

5.30pm Solemn Mass (Choir)

Friday 4 March Lent Feria Friday abstinence

7.35am Morning Prayer

8am Mass

10.30am Mass (Latin)

11.30-12.30pm Confessions

12.30pm Mass (livestreamed)

3pm Stations of the Cross for the Deaf Community

4.30-5.30pm Confessions

5pm Sung Vespers (Choir)

5.30pm Solemn Mass (Choir)

6.15pm Stations of the Cross

7pm Cathedral Hall Charismatic Prayer Group

Saturday 5 March Lent Feria

7.35am Morning Prayer

8am Mass

10.30am Solemn Mass (Latin, Choir)

11.30-12.30pm Confessions

12.30pm Mass (livestreamed)

3pm Rite of Election First Service

5-6pm Confessions

5.30pm Sung Vespers (English)

6pm Cardinal Vaughan Choir sings at Vigil Mass

Sunday 6 March 1st SUNDAY OF LENT

8am Mass

9.30am Sung Morning Prayer

10am Sung Mass

10am-12.30pm Confessions

12pm Solemn Mass (choir, livestreamed)

1.30pm St Patrick’s Chapel Divine Mercy Prayer Group

3.00pm Rite of Election Second Service

No Grand Organ Recital and no 4pm Solemn Vespers and Benediction

4.30pm Cathedral Hall Mass for the Deaf Community

5-6.45pm Confessions

5.30pm Sung Mass

7pm Mass