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Westminster Cathedral

Holy Souls Chapel

Christ, 'the new Adam', holds the standard of victory.

The ceiling is rich in decoration

The Holy Souls is the name given to those who, having passed through death, await the final purifaction which will enable them to enter Heaven. They do not suffer uncomforted. United in the communion of saints they are assisted by the prayers of the living and those already sanctified who have gone before them into glory.

This stunning Chapel, which sets out to epitomise the Church's doctrine regarding Purgatory and the souls of those who have died, is the only one which was completely designed by John Francis Bentley himself. Every detail of the marble-work and the enclosing grille emanates from the architect. The mosaic decoration was executed by Christian Symons.

Images in this Chapel show the ‘old’ Adam by the forbidden tree, and the ‘new’ Adam – the risen Christ. On the west wall is a powerful image of Purgatory: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the burning fiery furnace, protected by the Son of Man (Daniel 3:91f)

In this Chapel you are invited to pray for your loved ones, and all the dead, to assist them on their journey to Heaven.

Eternal rest
grant unto them O Lord,
And let perpetual light
shine upon them;
May they rest in peace