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Westminster Cathedral

Special Services

Special services

Each week, thousands of people come through the doors of the Cathedral to participate in the regular pattern of worship offered in this great house of prayer: the Divine Office, confessions, Masses – solemn sung and quieter said alike. It is indeed a focal point for the Catholic community of the Diocese of Westminster, and of the country as a whole.

To enable as many people as possible to experience the beauty and holiness of the Cathedral, we are always pleased to welcome groups and organisations wishing to hold a special Mass, and make every effort to accommodate them where they can fit in with the daily round of worship, and are conducted with sensitivity to the life and mission of the Cathedral. 

Sometimes, we receive requests for memorial Masses or services. Normally, individuals are commemorated and prayed for within the context of one of our regular scheduled weekday or Saturday Masses. If you are interested in commemorating a friend or loved one in this way, please contact Clergy House Reception (chreception@rcdow.org.uk) to check if the intention for your chosen Mass is available.

If you are responsible for a group or organisation considering planning a special service, the first point of contact at the Cathedral is the Precentor. He will be able to offer advice on the general nature of the service which is being planned, and check potential dates in the diary. Requests for special services are considered fortnightly by the Cathedral Administrator; once firm approval is given, a date is confirmed and it is then useful to have a preliminary planning meeting at the Cathedral.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Cathedral for your special Mass or service.

The Precentor
Westminster Cathedral
42 Francis Street
London SW1P 1QW
Telephone 020 7798 9055
Email chreception@rcdow.org.uk